Hi, KDE users. I think it is time we had an adult conversation about KMix and usability.
You see, in my last post, there was an awful lot of vitriol spewed about my heavy handed decision to use horizontal sliders. My personal belief is that vertical sliders have a tendency to induce vertigo in older users and ex-paratroopers. There is no way I can live my life with that kind of guilt on my conscious. Paratroopers serve an incredibly useful purpose in our military operations. I simply cannot allow these great ‘murricans to experience pain at my hands.
After much thought and discussion of usability with an awfully friendly bartender (and much tequila), I’ve decided to implement a compromise in KMix2:
I hope you’re happy, because I certainly am.
I realize that this is a very controversial change, so I’ve created a kde pastebin entry to maintain this branch. We all know that KDE git is totally unreliable and the sysadmins are convinced that backups are not backups, so no sense in trying to stay there. The geniuses at Hacker News (who are never wrong or sensationalist) tried unsuccessfully to convince the sysadmins otherwise, so I must conclude that I have no reason to keep faith in them.